
Wed 30 Nov 2005 @ 02:24 PM


Face Transplant

Note: this is not a review of the 1997 movie Face/Off starring John Travolta and Nicolas Cage, which featured a dual face transplant. :)

ABC News is reporting that a French woman has received a partial face transplant (the first of its kind, apparently.) While the article goes into some discussion of the ethics and the science (very shallow discussions, but discussions nonetheless), that's not what I found really interesting...

When I clicked that very same link to view the article, there was an advertisement on the page. No big deal, that's the way the web works. Except when I clicked on it, the ad shown was for Microsoft Office and included this picture (it's the first thing I saw):

Screen capture of ABC News face transplant article scaled to 400 x 300 and lossily compressed with JPEG.

For ABC News, an unfortunate choice of ad placement. For me, a hilarious choice of ad placement.

Note: I captured the screen, cropped it to 800x600, scaled it to 400x300, and saved it as a jpeg; no other editing took place. If you'd like to see the losslessly compressed version (a png file), click here.

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