
Thu 22 Oct 2009 @ 04:42 AM


Letter to Rob Bishop, Part 4

If you haven't already read my previous posts on this topic and want to catch up, follow the links to part 1, part 2, and part 3. Take your time, I'll be here when you get back.

Back already? That was fast!

I finally received a response yesterday to my previous inquiry regarding illegal immigration. I'll scan and post a copy of the letter later, but I didn't want to wait to address the latest letter.

This letter did address my primary point:

I’d really like to know exactly where you stand on this issue [of illegal immigration] and if you would sponsor or support legislation to amend where necessary and require enforcement of our immigration laws.

To summarize, he acknowledged that my topic was illegal immigration (a big step forward from the original response), stated that immigration law is the responsibility of the federal government, and pointed out an amendment he offered to a piece of legislation (the Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area Act) that would ensure that immigration enforcement would not be restricted in the National Heritage Area created by the act (3,325 square miles in Arizona according to the best information I can find on the subject). He also stated he was in favor of making it possible for state and local law enforcement personnel to assist in the enforcement of immigration law.

How do I feel he did in addressing the point? I felt the letter was somewhat political double talk. He seems to make clear that he stands on the side of enforcing immigration law, and that he has sponsored amendments to ensure immigration enforcement would not be restricted by specific pieces of legislation. Unfortunately, I feel his letter falls short of a commitment to actively pursue immigration legislation.

Note: I've paraphrased and summarized the latest letter above because I don't have it in front of me at the moment. I plan to scan it tonight or tomorrow and post a 'final' update (including the scanned image of the letter) on this subject so you can read his words for yourself. If, in reading it again, I determine I was unfair above, I'll address it at that time. That being said, I believe what I wrote above to be an accurate portrayal of the contents of the letter. You can make your own determination once I post the image of the letter.

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