
Sat 27 Nov 2010 @ 09:50 PM


George W. Bush Graid Skool

I recently read an article about a CHIME charter school in Woodland Hills, California, being renamed for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. This got me to thinking...

How about renaming a school for President George W. Bush? Maybe it could be an elementary school (aka grade school). Maybe the sign on the building would look something like this:

A sign on George W. Bush Graid Skool announcing the unexpected results of an election for Student Body President

Your challenge, should you decide to accept it: Help me start an internet rumor that this is a real picture of a real school anywhere in the United States of America. Of course, I'm shooting myself in the foot by putting this up on a public blog, but since so many people just accept whatever they read first as real, I think it could still work.

Note: I'm not saying George W. Bush is a stupid man. This idea just struck me as funny because so many of his detractors have attributed something like this level of stupidity to him. :)

For the record, there is already at least one school named after George W. Bush. Same for Barack Obama. I really think we ought to give people (especially elected officials) a chance to fade into history a bit before we start naming buildings after them...

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