
Tue 13 Dec 2011 @ 10:16 PM


"Sheldon Cooper is my twin" or "Chuck Lorre owes me for adapting my life for his show"

Edit on 16 May 2012: If you're reading this Bill Prady, sorry I only blamed Chuck Lorre for stealing my life for his show. I now blame you too. ;)

What follows is a piece I originally posted on Facebook in February 2011. It should have gone here then. Better late than never!

Note: Sheldon Cooper is a character on the CBS sitcom "The Big Bang Theory" of which Chuck Lorre is a creator / writer / executive producer.

I think there are a lot of similarities between me and Sheldon Cooper. Admittedly, there are many differences between our lives. I am not a world class scientist, for example. I am not quite as socially awkward as he is. That being said, the number of similarities is striking. To me, anyway. I thought I'd share some of them here.

  • We both have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • His initials "SC" are the first two letters of my first name.
  • He is called Shelly by some people, whereas some people call me Scotty.
  • We are both from east Texas. (I was born in Dallas, he was born in Galveston.)
  • We both have very devout Christian mothers.
  • We both prefer DC comics to Marvel comics. (As does anyone with even a modicum of taste.)
  • We both have the same Flash shirt. Flash the comic book character, not Flash the web technology. Well, not the exact same shirt, as we wear very different sizes, but the same style shirt.
  • I have the domain "" and his SimCity is named "Sheldonopolis". (I registered my domain on 18 Feb 2009; the "Sheldonopolis" reference was from the episode that first aired on 22 Mar 2010.)
  • We are both scientists. (I am a computer scientist [sans degree] and he has a number of degrees and works in scientific endeavors.)
  • According to my wife, we both have undiagnosed autistic tendencies.
  • According to my wife, we have a mutual need for a "designated" seat in our living rooms. His is based on a number of factors such as viewing angle to the TV, relative environmental conditions, ability to engage in conversation with other people in the room, and more. Mine is based on it being the only practical location for my computer setup. And I have gladly given up my seat to other people on a number of occasions (whereas he starts to freak out if he can't have his seat) so ... well, it is the grain of truth from which this attribute of Sheldon was created.
  • According to my wife, we are both very literal. (I'm beginning to think my wife doesn't care for me.) Again, I think I do it more for the humor whereas he just is that literal, so ... yeah, I'm explaining away a lot of things, huh?
  • We both enjoy math & science related humor. You know what I find odd? 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ... {bwah ha ha!}
  • In the opinion of some, we're both overly impressed with our own intellect.
  • We both have fairly generic accents most of the time, but revert to {relatively slight} Texas accents when we are in that environment. Note that I tend to do that anyway with any accents I am around (I once briefly slipped into an Australian accent while on a conference call to Australia.) I'm not claiming to be great at accents, just that it is something I naturally do.
  • In a recent episode, he wrote a one act play set in the Star Trek universe, and cast himself in the role of Spock. As a small child, my cousin cast me in the role of Spock when we would role play Star Trek (as he reserved the role of Captain Kirk for himself).
  • He (referring to Jim Parsons who plays Sheldon Cooper) and I are both award winning actors. (I won a number of awards for one act plays in high school, including the district best actor award four years running; he's won a few insignificant awards like the emmy and the golden globe.)

Note: This list is certainly not exhaustive, but it's what comes to mind at the moment. Feel free to make comments, and I may integrate them into the list.

Anyway, Chuck Lorre, I'd be willing to settle on this for something in the neighborhood of $50,000. Heck, I'd be happy to become a consultant to the show! Send me a private message and we can work out the details. ;)

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