
Fri 22 Mar 2013 @ 09:55 PM


Lost Before Translation

Just read an update of a friend of a friend on Facebook that was something like this: "finna pick up ma homie den me,ha an da bae hittin up {presumably some location}.....we finna be live in dis bytch"

Could someone tell me if this is a foreign language? Google Translate is absolutely no help! Or perhaps it's an Al-Qaeda operative sending an encoded message to another terrorist cell?

Seriously, I don't know the person that left the original message, and I really hope I don't hurt anybody's feelings with this commentary. I just wonder if this is an example of the person's typical written communication or if this is just relaxed for the informality of Facebook? Whatever it is, it seems closer to "different language loosely based on English" than a simple dialect of English.

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