Posts in 'blog' – Page 5

Escher's Desktop

This is what M.C. Escher's Windows 7 desktop might look like had he lived to be 111 or so. Click here for a full size image (1920x1080 32 bits per pixel PNG file, about 933 kiB).

M.C. Escher's Windows 7 desktop had he lived to be 111 or so.

Teacher Salaries and Benefits

With all the commotion in Wisconsin over teacher benefits and collective bargaining, someone wrote a clever piece about "overpaid" teachers and how we should pay them what they're really worth as babysitters. I can't find the original source, so I'm quoting it here, and if anyone can find an attribution …

Fast Divisibility Testing, Part 1

Note: The first part of this post deals with explaining why you can quickly test a number for divisibility by 9. If you just want to know quick divisibility tests for numbers 2 through 10 and don't care about the explanation for 9, just jump to bulleted list at the …

George W. Bush Graid Skool

I recently read an article about a CHIME charter school in Woodland Hills, California, being renamed for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. This got me to thinking...

How about renaming a school for President George W. Bush? Maybe it could be an elementary school (aka grade school). Maybe the sign on the …

Ambrosia (aka Pudding Bars)

I realize Ambrosia is a different dessert; I'm using it in the classical "food of the gods" context.

In any case, Pudding Bars (known by some as Politician's Pie, though this seems to be far too insulting a name for something so delicious) is a dessert I was introduced to …

Nancy Pelosi, Political Revisionist?

I was reading various  reports on the web about the 2010 mid-term congressional elections and came across this quote from Nancy Pelosi:

"Over the last four years, the Democratic majority in the House took courageous action on behalf of America's middle class to create jobs and save the country from …

Recent Radio Hosting Archive 2

I 'recently' hosted a show at AM 630 K-Talk (KTKK-AM in the Salt Lake City, UT area). By 'recently' I mean a two hour program on April 1, but better late than never, right?

If you're interesting in listening, feel free to download them below.

KTKK-AM 1 Apr 2010 Hour …

Google Voice Transcribed It Wrong!

I noticed some text on a convenience store sign that I wanted to comment on in a status update on my various social network sites. Since I was driving at the time, the quickest & safest way to make sure I'd remember it later was to call myself and leave a …

Sexist Pricing for Education

Imagine, if you will, a state sponsored university. Which state isn't important, only that the university is funded with money from the state coffers. Now imagine that the university charged one rate for women students, and a cheaper rate for men. People would be outraged at the disparity! Why should …

Is Health "Care" Reform Constitutional?

Preface: On a message board I frequent (the Snider Board), there has been some discussion of late about the recently-passed so-called health care reform. Someone asked the question "How is it being called unconstitutional?" and I took a stab at answering it. That answer follows.

People have different perceptions of …